Our referents

Leonardo Piscoya Rivera

Secondary Education teacher specializing in History and Geography (PUCP),

Specialized over the years in Teacher Training in Service and Educational Innovation, Citizenship Education, Environmental Education and Moral Education.

He works as a professor of Social Sciences at the Isabel Flores de Oliva School (CIFO) and in the Education and Learning Management career at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC).

Also, he is part of the technical assistance team of the National Fund for the Development of Peruvian Education (FONDEP), a public body dedicated to financing and assisting public schools that carry out innovations, systematization of experiences and participation action research.

He has been an International Quality Observer for the International Civic and Citizenship Study (ICCS) carried out by the International Association for the Evaluation of Learning Achievement (IEA) and a consultant to the Ministry of Education of Peru (MINEDU).


  1. Morachimo, L. e Piscoya, L. (2004) [libro] Cross-cutting issues and sustainable development Keys for their insertion in the educational institution. Lima: DIEEPP. Available here.
  2. Temas-Transversales-y-Desarrollo-Sostenible
    Piscoya, L., Tuesta, A. e Sandumbí, D. (2008) [capitolo di libro] Histories hidden in the sand: an experience of articulation of Social Projection with the curricular areas.. In: Educating in difficult times: Experiences. Rio de Janeiro: Teresian Institution.
  3. Piscoya, L. (2018) [articolo] The routes to build citizenship: Is the path the goal? TAREA Magazine 96, May 2018, pp. 63 to 68. Lima: TAREA Association of Educational Publications. Available here.
  4. Piscoya, L. (2018) [articolo] Remember? The challenge of addressing political violence at school. In: TAREA Magazine 98, December 2018, pp. 50 to 55. Lima: TAREA Association of Educational Publications. Available here.
  5. Piscoya, L. (2020) Project-Based Learning: Learning in real contexts. Available here.
  6. Saldaña, L. e Piscoya, L. (2023) [articolo] Producing pedagogical knowledge from innovation: an experience of critical interpretative systematization through a Learning Community. Lima: UGCE-FONDEP.

I first looked at the ideas of Francesco Tonucci when I was a student at the university in the mid-90s Then, as part of my work in in-service teacher training, I discovered that my appointment was not only pedagogical but also political. The backbone that Tonucci proposes to us is to think about the spaces we inhabit so that everyone can live safely, especially those who may be more vulnerable. Therefore, building democratic educational spaces where children have a voice and participate in decisions is one of the tasks we can carry out to create these spaces. But there are several other initiatives to which all citizens can contribute!