Our referents
Ernesto Páramo Sureda
Doctor of Educational Sciences, Master in Anthropology and Forensic Genetics and Degree in Law. Scientific communicator and manager of cultural and educational projects.
Author of the project of the Science Park of Granada, in 1990, and of its direction until 2020. Promoted fthe BioDome, the House of Life.
He is currently a consultant for the Science Park and the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra and collaborates with other bodies such as the Huerto Alegre Center for Educational Innovation, of which he was co-founder in 1982. Interested in the social communication of science and its insertion into general culture.
It has direct planetary programs such as Lorca’s Universe, Escher, Infinite Universes or “Travelling with the Light” and has organized more than 50 shows with museums in London, New York, Brussels, Toulouse or Dortmund: Journey into the human body. Al-Andalus and science. Automata: art and mechanics. Imagine Education with FRATO. PLAY: science and music or bioinspiration. Bioinspiración, Innovating from nature.
National Award for Scientific Dissemination Spanish Science Foundation. EUREKA International Award 2020 of the French Scientific Culture Network (Amcsti) and the European MED21 Program for the promotion of scientific education in the Mediterranean. He has held conferences in Italy, France, Tunisia, Ecuador, Mexico, Greece, Syria, Germany, Egypt and Sweden. Guest Professor at master’s degree in communication, museology and tourism from the universities of Barcelona, Salamanca or Granada. Honorary member of the Titanic Foundation.
Some publications:
- Páramo Sureda, E. (1991). A Scuola in fattoria, nel Centro di innovazione educativa “Huerto Alegre”. En Esperienze a confronto. Perugia (Italia). Protagom editrice. pp. 133-136.
- Páramo Sureda, E. (Coord.) (1991). Avance del Proyecto: Parque de las Ciencias. Ayuntamiento de Granada.
- Páramo Sureda, E. (Dir.) (1991). 10 Años de Innovación Educativa. Granada: Edita H. Alegre SCA.
- Páramo Sureda, E. (1991). La educación ambiental, base formativa. Diario 16.
- Páramo Sureda, E., Ruiz, J., Díaz, M. L., Chirosa, M., Medina, J., Henares, I., Morón, E., Aguilar, L. y Buscarons, R. (1992). Caminando hacia el bosque: una propuesta de itinerario en Educación Ambiental. Sevilla: Junta de Andalucía.
- Páramo Sureda, E. (1992). Huerto Alegre: una aventura medioambiental. Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 199, pp. 48-53
- Wikipedia Page
- Curriculum (Parque de las Ciencias)
In 1987, at the Ceuta Summer School, a deep friendship was born based on everything we shared, on a sort of "pedagogical optimism" very typical of that time, on trust in education as a tool for transforming society. We never stop collaborating, first at “Huerto Alegre”, and then with “Parque de las Ciencias”. Francesco Tonucci is the person we learned the most from, because he himself always wants to learn, and this is contagious. He is a unique social scientist, a rule-breaker, an educational activist, and an original artist. A creator in the deepest sense of the term, capable of making us smile with his "drawn reflections", some of which are devastating. It is a great catalyst of ideas. His secret, FRATO's secret, is that he takes education and childhood seriously.
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