Our referents
Ana Clara Tortone
Born in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1965
-National Public Accountant graduated from the UNLP Faculty of Economics
-Master in Quality Training at the CA’ Foscari University of Venice.
-Professor of Management.
-Head of strategic management and institutional relations at Aire Libre Educación.
-Executive and General Producer of “BETO la Serie” a transmedia project, winner of several awards, which was born from her original idea of de-dramatising the theme of disability as a key to success in the path of inclusion and which looks at disability with a new gaze. The series is available on YouTube.
- Desdramatizar la discapacidad | Ana Clara Tortone | TEDxUCES
- Puentes para la inclusión – Entrevista a Ana Clara Tortone
- https://www.infobae.com/discapacidad/2018/03/29/desdramatizar-el-sindrome-de-down-la-lucha-de-una-madre-para-naturalizar-la-realidad-de-su-hijo/
- https://www.eldia.com/nota/2017-10-25-4-9-2-la-platense-que-invita-desde-el-arte-a-desdramatizar-la-discapacidad-informacion-general
- http://www.transeuntes.net/2015/08/21/5-proyectos-transmedia-en-busca-de-la-innovacion/
- http://www.vocesporlajusticia.gob.ar/construyendo-comunidad/historias/mucho-temor-prejuicios-vinculados-todas-las-discapacidades/
- http://www.lt10.com.ar/noticia/105562–Ana-Clara-Tortone-Beto-naci%C3%B3-de-mis-experiencias-como-mam%C3%A1-de-Augusto
- http://www.telam.com.ar/notas/201411/86381-beto-serie-animada-sindrome-de-down-avant-premiere.html
- https://www.arinfo.com.ar/nota/08316/beto-la-primera-serie-protagonizada-por-un-nio-con-sndrome-de-down.htm
The ideas of Francesco Tonucci, have illuminated the path of "Aire Libre Educación" since its creation more than 40 years ago and continued to do so in 2016 with the incorporation of the elementary level and later the high school levels in our educational project. We wanted to put into practice what we read in books on a daily basis. Children's voices must be heard. That's why we have a Children's Council. School must be that place where children discover what they are good at, what they are passionate about. This is how we try to make it happen every day. A school that makes you want to go, not only for the children but also for the teachers.